

Sing Out!!



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Saturday, July 18, 2009
9:56 PM, NDP 09,this wonderful day
Hello,yesterday,Saturday 18 July 2009,we went for NDP 09.It was an awesome and wonderful experience.The NDP show was really a big hit for us.The fun pack has many brilliant items in it.(the picture at the bottom.)
We enjoyed the show very much,especially the fireworks,they were beautiful.They even had fireworks in the shape of hearts.They show us the progress of Singapore through out the years.They showed it in a way whereby it is from chapter 1 to 10.Chapter 1 was about Sang Nila Utama and that he found an island called Temasek also known as Singapore in the present.They skipped some chapters though and Chapter 10 was about the present Singapore and also,the stage is shaped in such a way,it looks like an eye so it is called, The Big Eye.

During the show. There was a scene of a
"Terrorist Attack" where the terrorists had
planted bombs on the stage. The performers
rushed of the stage as fire trucks & ambulances
arrived at the scene. It was a very exciting scene. After that, helicopters flew in and the Police chased the terrorists all around the river. The bomb squad also had to come and disable the bomb.
