

Sing Out!!



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Friday, July 17, 2009
12:30 AM, NDP Notice
tomorrow,we,Primary 5's would be going for the NDP show.Please assemble in the courtyard according to your class.If it is raining,please proceed to the hall and on that day,if you are unwell,please do not come to school or rather,take your temperature at home before coming to school.But do call the school's general office if you are not attending or caught in a massive traffic jam.You would have to bring ponchos(disposable raincoat),a cap, a packet of tissue paper,your own dinner and cameras(optional)although the fun pack that you will be issued has some of the items mentioned above.If you are to bring cameras and handphones,the school is not taking any responsibly if it is lost and will not make a search for it.We would be leaving around 2 plus.So if you are late we will not wait for you.The show will end and then it will take a long time to go back to the school as there will be other schools leaving the place.We will arrive in school from 9.15p.m to 10.15p.m.