

Sing Out!!



recent posts
| Official Opening Of the school | Official Opening Preparation | Hort Park pics | Hort Park | Long weekend | Happy Teachers' Day! | Mrs. Hoa's BBQ | BBQ2 | PICS@p5 camp | Camp |

Thursday, November 19, 2009
5:34 PM, Official Opening Of the school
Today is the day of the official opening and there are many parents around the school! Also, the guest of honor is arriving soon and everybody is busy entertaining the parents... :D
The Opening is very fun & more parents are arriving by the minute!


Tuesday, November 10, 2009
5:38 PM, Official Opening Preparation
Exams are officially over and cerise 5 is busy with the school's grand opening on 20th November.
Which is just 1 week away.
Right now,the whole school is decorating their classes for the big day,
Hanging up art pieces, preparing their speeches, writing out proposals and much more!!!
As for our class, half of the class is in the computer lab,and the other half, is decorating the classroom trying to make it the best among the other classes.
Some people are hanging up art pieces on the windows, while some are just cutting pieces of paper for their groups' to decorate their presentation boards!
If anyone has an easel, you're going to need it to hold up your presentation boards during the Grand Opening!! :D

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Saturday, October 3, 2009
1:35 AM, Hort Park pics
Here are the lovely Hort Park pictures

Hort park was beautful, and fun. There were many activaties for us to do aswell!


Tuesday, September 22, 2009
6:16 AM, Hort Park
Okay,so here are the stuff we must bring to Hort Park on Friday....

2)Water bottle
3)Clip board(important)
4)Pencil case

Thats all but please note that you still have to bring Health Education stuff,your homework and come in your P.E attire!

Lotts of luv,
CE5 Bloggers

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Thursday, September 17, 2009
8:36 PM, Long weekend
Hello,fellow pupils,i believe there is a long weekend.
So incase you people forgot the homework we are suppose to do...

Comprehension 7
Situational Writing
Synthesis Booklet

Review 6
Chapter 11(Angles)

Term 3 Revision Paper

Thats all for now..And remember to bring books for the second hand sale!!!!See you on tuesday!


Monday, August 31, 2009
12:00 AM, Happy Teachers' Day!
Hello everybody!
I'm just here to wish all the teachers a Happy Teacher's day!!!!!
Thx for everything you had done for us,teachers!!!!


Saturday, August 29, 2009
12:16 AM, Mrs. Hoa's BBQ
As you all probably know, last week or something we all went to Mrs. Hoa's BBQ. Well.. Most of us anyways.

Before Mrs Hoa's BBQ, everyone spent about half an hour running around, taking pictures, and waiting for other people to come.

This was the business in Mrs Hoa's living room:


Next, We all watched a movie called:

Secret Admirer

in Mrs Hoa's home theater!

After that, we all were called out to start eating!!!

Roasting Marshmallows..

And eating spaggetti, sushi, corn, carrots, & peas...

And there were loads of other foods too.
After that, we all started to go home one by one...
and Mrs. Hoa had her own personal BBQ!!
