

Sing Out!!



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| Official Opening Of the school | Official Opening Preparation | Hort Park pics | Hort Park | Long weekend | Happy Teachers' Day! | Mrs. Hoa's BBQ | BBQ2 | PICS@p5 camp | Camp |

Monday, August 31, 2009
12:00 AM, Happy Teachers' Day!
Hello everybody!
I'm just here to wish all the teachers a Happy Teacher's day!!!!!
Thx for everything you had done for us,teachers!!!!


Saturday, August 29, 2009
12:16 AM, Mrs. Hoa's BBQ
As you all probably know, last week or something we all went to Mrs. Hoa's BBQ. Well.. Most of us anyways.

Before Mrs Hoa's BBQ, everyone spent about half an hour running around, taking pictures, and waiting for other people to come.

This was the business in Mrs Hoa's living room:


Next, We all watched a movie called:

Secret Admirer

in Mrs Hoa's home theater!

After that, we all were called out to start eating!!!

Roasting Marshmallows..

And eating spaggetti, sushi, corn, carrots, & peas...

And there were loads of other foods too.
After that, we all started to go home one by one...
and Mrs. Hoa had her own personal BBQ!!


Sunday, August 23, 2009
2:05 AM, BBQ2
okay..so the BBQ was awesome.but if everyone was there,it would prefect!!!we got to eat BBQ chickens(which was awesome)marshmallows(which was damn nice)hotdogs(which was tasty)and last but not least,the pasta and sushi,htey were marvelous,it was nice.We took pictures but it seems like they would not be on the blog so soon,so hopefully you peeps have the patience to wait for awhile..we promise we would put them on soon..so lets all chill

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
2:03 AM, PICS@p5 camp
LOL...here are some PiCs@the P5 adventure camp!Yahoo!!!This is a picture of group 8 painting their group flag.

And this is what we call attentive.Everyone is listening to the instructions being given before playing this game which requires alot of cooperation.

This group is playing the rope of faith.It is basically the same as skipping just that the group has to jump together at the same time.It's not easy though,for those who tried it.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
3:53 AM, Camp
Everybody says yay!!!The P5 camp is tomorrow and everybody can't wait for it!It's just too exciting!LOL...But always remember that safety comes first and don't forget that we must report to the hall once we reach school and look out for the groups we are in!